is the
program that promotes volunteering to support the organization’s initiatives with asylum seeker, refugee and resettled children who are in Brazil, in the defense of their rights.
Be an and help transform the reality of the world’s most vulnerable children who are in Brazil. Sign Up Here!
What makes them the most vulnerable of the world?
The fact that they have a well-founded fear for their lives; they are persecuted for their nationality, race, religion; because they belong to a particular social or political group and are exposed to serious and widespread human rights abuses.
The fact that they do not have the protection of their country of origin makes them susceptible to abuse, exploitation, forced recruitment by rebel groups for terrorist activities, trafficking, slavery, prostitution and all kinds of atrocities.
May the future of these children also reflect the greatness of our nation. Giant by the nature of its people.
Every generation is known for something. Let us be the generation known for promoting peace and justice.